
HV Manager installation automatically creates an instance of the web server that is accessible from any IP address of the PC on port 8117 (http://+:8117/). To configure HV Manager instances, use the HV Manager configuration command-line tool hvm.exe.

Hvm Command Line Tool

Hvm.exe is a command-line tool that allows you to configure the HV Manager instances. You can open the hvm tool in the following two ways:

  • Run the HVManager shortcut on the Desktop
  • Run the "%Program Files%\HvManager\Hvm.exe" from the Administrator Windows Command Prompt.

The following commands are available:

Command Description
view-instances Displays a list of existing instances
add-instance Adds a new instance of HV Manager with specified parameters. Usage: add-instance -name -url [-user] [-password] [-auth] [-admin] [-dbpath]
update-instance Updates an instance with specified parameters. Usage: update-instance -name [-url] [-user] [-password] [-auth] [-admin] [-dbpath]
delete-instance Deletes an instance. Usage: delete-instance -name
start-instance Starts an instance. Usage: start-instance -name
stop-instance Stops an instance. Usage: stop-instance -name
restart-instance Restarts an instance. Usage: restart-instance -name

Command options:

Option Description
-name Instance name. A short unique name to identify the instance.
-url URL Template. Example: http://+:8117/,
-user User account name to run the Web Servicer. If not specified, the default account is: .\HvmService
-password User account password.
-auth Authentication Scheme: WEBFORM (default) or NTLM
-admin Administrator user name: Domain\User. This option is valid only if -auth option is set to NTLM.
-dbpath Database file path. If not specified, default path is: %LOCALAPPDATA%\HvManager\[instanceName]\hvm.db


option value that contains spaces should be quoted.

Examples of use:

The following command adds a new instance with the name hvm1, running with default user account .\HvmService and Windows (NTLM) authentication. The administrator user is Domain\Administrator

    add-instance -name hvm1 -url http://+:8117/ -auth NTLM -admin Domain\Administrator